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Professional Salford Woodworm Treatment


Woodborer, Oligomerus brunneus, extreme close-uptingWoodworm is a blanket term for several beetle species that can cause severe damage to timber. During the larval stage, the immature beetles feed on wood. The tunnels made by the larvae (known as galleries) can seriously weaken any timber. It's important to seek professional advice as soon as woodworm is suspected. Only speedy eradication can prevent irreversible damage.

Signs of woodworm

The most obvious sign that woodworm is present are the exit holes left by the larvae. These holes are usually between one and a half to two millimetres across (around 1/16 of an inch), round or oval in shape, with fresh-looking edges. There may also be powdery bore dust — also known as frass — underneath the affected wood. Timbers may become visibly damaged, flaking or crumbling at the edges and corners. In severe cases, floorboards and other timbers may begin to give way.

The larvae resemble tiny white maggots. Adult beetles emerge between the months of May and October; dead adults may be found at other times of the year.


Most cases of woodworm involve the Common Furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum). Along with the Powderpost beetle (Lyctus brunneus), the Common Furniture beetle is relatively easy to control through the proper application of a professional Salford woodworm treatment spray. Other beetle species, however, can be harder to eradicate. These include the House Longhorn Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus) and Deathwatch Beetle (Xestobium rufuvillosum), both of which require more extensive treatment.

Effective treatment for woodworm involves three factors:

Woodworm larvae1. Eradication of the existing woodworm infestation.
2. Replacement of damaged wood, where necessary.
3. Prevention of future infestations.

As part of the Salford woodworm treatment, furniture that's heavily infested may need to be disposed of.

If the infestation isn't controlled, the beetles will re-establish themselves. In order to prevent future infestations from occurring, proper treatment methods need to be used. Where damaged wood is replaced, new timber should be pre-treated to resist woodworm and other pests. When applying Salford woodworm treatment, furniture should not be overlooked.

Why professional Salford woodworm treatment is best

When woodworm is discovered, a reputable pest control company offers the best chance of eradicating the infestation and minimising potential damage. DIY treatment for woodworm is often inadequate; infested areas may be missed and left untreated, Salford woodworm treatment sprays may be improperly applied, or may not be effective against the particular species involved. Even if the householder secures a professional Salford woodworm removal treatment spray, they may still lack the expertise required to apply it properly. The result is wasted time and money — and a worsening woodworm problem.

What to expect

Professional Salford woodworm removal treatment begins with a detailed inspection of the property, identifying the type of woodworm and assessing the degree of damage. An experienced surveyor will also be able to diagnose other problems, such as dry rot.

Next, the pest control company will destroy the insects using the appropriate pesticides — typically a professional Salford woodworm treatment spray. Heavily damaged timbers may be removed and replaced with specially treated wood, thus minimising the risk of a future woodworm infestation.